Design + Performance: Interview with Gihan Amarasiriwardena

Gihan Amarasiriwardena is an MIT alum and co-founder of performance apparel brand Ministry of Supply. In this video, he shares his itinerary as an engineer, designer, and entrepreneur, reflecting on how his own experiences as a Boy Scout and athlete shaped his appreciation for “good gear.” “The power that these materials and products give us is my whiteboard,” he says.

By Adelaide Zollinger

Aug 22, 2024

In this episode of the “Design + ...” video series, MIT MAD interviews Gihan Amarasiriwardena '11, co-founder of the clothing brand Ministry of Supply and an MIT alum, to discuss the intersection of design, technology, and sustainability in the field of performance apparel.

Amarasiriwardena shares his journey from being a Boy Scout crafting his own gear to co-founding a fashion brand known for its innovative approach, blending engineering principles with fashion to create high-performance clothing. From shirts and suits to blazers, he explains the meticulous process of designing apparel that excels both in the lab and in the real world.

When we think about design, we really try to understand why are people wearing these products? ... Customer feedback is a huge part of our design process. In the engineering disciplines, this design-build-test cycle is such a critical part.
Gihan Amarasiriwardena


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